Washington Slumlord Crams 19 People Into New Westminster Favela

Original story is here – are you not entertained?

About keeperofthederp

"I never even managed to become anything; neither wicked nor good, neither a scoundrel nor an honest man, neither a hero nor an insect."

Posted on July 15, 2011, in Exploitation, Landlords from Hell, Vancouver and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Hey, thought you should know the comments were removed from the News Leader.

    This is a clip of the election campaign of 2008, where our mayor states that we can’t do anything about the illegal suites, that we need them for affordable housing !

    Love the blog !

    • thanks! check back for more.

      you’ll find most of my comments get deleted from most places.

      • Happens to me to all the time as well.

        “ILLEGAL sweets are here and we have to use them !” – Mayor Wayne Wright

        The truth is a hard sweet, so don’t swallow – suck it.

        • I just think it’s politically expedient to make these statements – slumlords vote, too. I didn’t follow the NW mayoral race at all, it’s unfortunate that the first fellow didn’t win. He sounded… sane.

  2. I have to give credit to the paper for actually running the story, a lot of stuff around here doesn’t make it in the papers. A sort of town beautification, but your absolutely correct, the city is full of slumlords, and they all love voting to keep things the way they are.

    Our zoning allows most family homes to have 1 legal sweet and it has to be inspected to meet the bylaws for safety etc, most in older homes have never been. The new homes that have been going up are being modified to have 2 or 3 after the final inspections. They flip the houses on MLS boasting the number of sweets and rental income. Meanwhile, the existing neighbours have to deal with the traffic, cars and scuzzy people that go along with this type of affordable housing.

    • i briefly had a roommate from brazil who when i went to pick up, the house on glen dr. in vancouver they were in had the basement split into 4 seperate rooms sharing 1 bathroom and common area, all at $800 a pop. this can’t go on.

  3. I encourage you to learn about the GVRD’s growth plan that the Mayor’s have all signed onto. They’re planning to have another million people here in 20 years or so. Thats why cities keep making houses on smaller lots, and the houses that get built there are massive, with no yards. They need to cram ’em in, so that the economy keeps going, and they can collect more taxes to pay the debts that they’re racking up.

    It’s a financial pyramid scheme, you need more and more people, it doesn’t work if the population is the same or decreasing.

    • well personally… i am planning to leave, as are several friends. i am even going to burn my landlord on the rent because i also live in an illegal suite.

      we’re not happy with what’s happened to the city, hence why this blog is here; the city has long been in the grips of speculators/developers and lenders but this time it went too far, and it’s compromised the standard of living for a lot of us. a lot of small and large businesses are closing up or moving for various reasons. this city will either be a Chinese Monaco in 20 years or full of Ontarian hipsters. a full 70% of current residents are not from Vancouver and about 50% are born outside Canada. when Rome was sacked by the Visigoths, the numbers were similar.*

      *obviously i am just saying absurd shit – it is the internetz after all.

      i’d appreciate it if you shared the site with your like minded cohorts – i know there are more of us out there. i will be posting something shortly in re: to the GVRD’s growth scheme, now that you mention it. i’ve had this hilarious picture lying around for months, just waiting to get shooped. just gotta click the mouse around a few times..

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